Our journey to visit each of Vermont's 251 cities and towns. You can check our progress at www.vt251.com/user/jkg0679.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Brookfield, Vermont

Brookfield's main attraction in its floating bridge, which spans Sunset Lake. The original bridge was built in 1820. "It was built this way because the lake is too deep for traditional pilings" (Wikipedia). Due to a failure of the flotation system, the seventh bridge closed in 2008 and the eighth bridge opened just last month. We passed several fisher men/women as we drove over the bridge.
Brookfield Floating Bridge (aka Sunset Lake Floating Bridge)

A wide wooden sidewalk runs along each side
of the bridge where several people conjugated
to fish.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Williamstown, Vermont

We didn't have to venture very far home to visit Williamstown. Actually, I lived in Williamstown for about three months when my daughter was a baby. However, this was my first visit to T-Time Driving Range and Knight's Spider Web Farm.

First was T-Time Driving Range

As hard as I tried, I couldn't get any balls past the 100 yard marker.

Tyler had a blast!

The ball machine with a large number of solar panels in the background
(there are many more solar panels than what is pictured here).

The golf clubs Anthony bought me for my last birthday.
I'm slowly learning.

I was happy to find a pink ball basket! :)

Next up was Knight's Spider Web Farm

Spiders at Work!

Knight's Spider Web Farm

Entrance to the Spider Web Farm shop.

These are the "canvases" where spiders are hard at work
creating the webs that Will Knight will turn into artwork.

Spider Crossing